Preview: Xperia Play PlayStation Phone – Not by Sony though

While everyone was expecting Sony Ericsson to reveal Xperia Play, the PlayStation phone, at CES, it didn’t just happen. But a Chinese blog got their hands on the PlayStation phone and did a thorough hands on preview of the device. It seems like it’s every bit as good as fanboys have dreamed it to be.

play2Here’s the configuration of the device according to IT168:

  • 1 GHz snapdragon processor
  • Qualcomm Adreno 205 graphics processor
  • 4-inch 854 x 480 pixel display
  • 8 MP camera with LED flah
  • 1,500 mAh battery
  • microSDHC support
  • 512 MB RAM and ROM

And it runs Gingerbread just like the video we had posted before.

If you’re thinking a 1 GHz processor doesn’t seem fast enough when 1.2 GHz processors will be out in Android phones soon, check out the benchmark result: 1,733 score in Quadrant. Ok, my Galaxy S scored more than that with a lagfix, but then this is in the default configuration.





Check out the Chinese blog for more information via Google translated goodness.

via BGR

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Technology enthusiast, Internet addict, photography fan, movie buff, music aficionado.