Apple Watch Series 9 dominates sales, Ultra and SE lag behind

The Apple Watch lineup has seen a significant shift in consumer preferences, with mid-range models like the Series 9 and Series 8 taking the lead in sales, while the premium Ultra variants and the budget-friendly Apple Watch SE struggle to keep pace.

According to a recent report by Consumer Intelligence Research Partners (CIRP), the Apple Watch Series 9, which debuted in September 2023, has emerged as the top choice for consumers, capturing 43% of total Apple Watch sales in the United States during the June 2024 quarter. This dominance is further highlighted by the Series 8, which, despite no longer being sold directly by Apple, still managed to secure 19% of the market share through various third-party retailers.

Apple Watch Series 9 and Ultra 2

The appeal of these mid-range models lies in their balance of features and affordability. Together, the Series 9 and Series 8 accounted for nearly two-thirds of all Apple Watch sales, demonstrating a strong preference among consumers for models that offer a comprehensive set of features without the high price tag of the Ultra variants. The Apple Watch Ultra and Ultra 2, representing the premium end of the spectrum, collectively contributed 20% of total sales. Despite their advanced capabilities, such as enhanced durability and additional features tailored for professionals and athletes, the Ultra models have not matched the sales figures typically seen with high-end versions of other Apple products like the iPhone and iPad.

In contrast, the Apple Watch SE, designed as a more affordable entry point into the Apple Watch ecosystem, captured only 12% of the market. This is a significant drop compared to the higher-end models, indicating that even budget-conscious buyers may prefer the added features and benefits of the mid-range options. The report suggests that Apple might consider repositioning the SE by introducing a lower-cost variant with a plastic finish to attract younger users and parents. However, the current feature set of the SE seems insufficient to drive significant sales.

The Nike-branded versions of the Apple Watch, which are essentially variants of the Series 8 and Series 9, made up a modest 5% of the market. This further highlights the consumer trend toward mid-range models, which provide a compelling mix of value and functionality.

Appleā€™s strategy of offering a wide range of models at various price points appears to reflect its approach to other product lines, such as the iPhone and iPad. However, within the Apple Watch segment, the consumer behavior is slightly different. While premium models dominate in other categories, the Apple Watch lineup sees stronger performance in its mid-tier offerings.

The CIRP report emphasizes that the Series 8 and Series 9, positioned as mid-tier options in terms of both price and features, are particularly appealing to consumers. The Ultra models, despite their premium positioning, attract a smaller segment of the market, while the lower-cost Apple Watch SE and Nike models cater to an even smaller portion of buyers.

(via CIRP)

About the Author

Asma is an editor at iThinkDifferent with a strong focus on social media, Apple news, streaming services, guides, mobile gaming, app reviews, and more. When not blogging, Asma loves to play with her cat, draw, and binge on Netflix shows.

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