WhatsApp has officially announced that it will be introducing a new ‘Disappearing Messages’ feature through an update that will roll out globally this month. The details of the new feature have been known since earlier this week when it was noticed on…
WhatsApp is releasing a new useful feature for storage management which will let users delete various types of media including photos and videos, to help free up space on their smartphones. The tool allows users to filter files by how…
WhatsApp will soon release a new feature called ‘Disappearing Messages’. The company released a few details about how the feature will work. It is still under development at the movement and will be available to users in a future update….
After months of testing, and after launching Dark Mode options on other apps, Facebook Inc. is finally launching a full public test of Dark Mode on the main Facebook mobile app for iOS and Android. The social media giant has…
Today, Facebook has announced a new cloud gaming website and an accompanying Android app. The social media giant did not release cloud gaming on iOS platform because of Apple’s “arbitrary” App Store policies. Lately, Apple has been criticized for its…
WhatsApp’s latest update allows users to mute chats for an unspecified period of time. The messaging platform allows users to stay in touch with a group of friends or family members via creating groups. However, it is observed that being…
Apple is facing several anti-trust investigations by the United States and international regulatory bodies. Recently, Reuters reported that now Japan has now joined regulators in for an international joint anti-trust investigation of Apple and other tech giants. The Cupertino tech…
Facebook’s CEO, Mark Zuckerberg has been actively participating in US politics lately, and now, there is a report that he is trying to influence policies against competing social media apps and a privacy-driven tech company. A recent report by The…
Facebook’s Messenger app is getting a redesigned look and new chat features in an update which includes support for chat themes, custom reactions, and, soon, the app will get selfie stickers and vanish mode. The changes are a part of…
Today, Facebook has updated Instagram Direct Messages with Messenger app’s messaging features. Now Instagram and Messenger users will be able to continue their conversations across apps and stay connected more conveniently. The update also introduced new messaging features like selfie…