Facebook has planned a “surprise event” on July 6 as announced by Mark Zuckerberg, the company CEO while addressing the press earlier. He tipped off the journalists that an “awesome” product will be launched at the event so “Please join…
Without a doubt, Notification Center in iOS 5 beta seems to be the hot favorite for many developers, among the 200+ new features which have been included in the latest iOS update. Many handy widgets have already been released for…
Folks over at TechCrunch have published something very interesting for the Facebook fans who use their iOS devices for photo uploads and status updates. According to the post, they have received extensive information including screenshots and documentation which points to…
Pixable have created a new infographic with statistics compiled from more than 500,000 Facebook users which shows the behavior of users while dealing with profile photos. Unsurprisingly, most women change their profile pictures more often than men do. Also, the…
Great news for Facebook fans (or rather Facebook CEO fans), a fun Mak Zuckerberg action figure is now available for purchase at M.I.C Store. The figure is called the “The Poking Inventor” to make sure you don’t get sued (and…
Here’s an industry first: Warner Bros. will start renting movies from their respective Facebook fan pages for 30 Facebook credits each ( that’s $3 ). Currently online is The Dark Knight, which is already the highest grossing movie ever, and…
iSocialShare is the first of its kind jailbreak tweak which lets you upload photos right from your iPhone’s native Camera.app to your Facebook & Twitter accounts. The tweak is now available on cydia store for any jaibroken iPhone / iPod…
INQ Mobile, the makers of INQ1, the world’s first Social Mobile to integrate email, IM and social networking into a handset in an intuitive way, are planning to launch the first ever Android based Facebook phone. The handset will be…
If you thought using Facebook is secure as it is, then you are wrong. An extension for Firefox called firesheep was developed a few months ago that could not only show which users are using Google, Facebook, Twitter and similar…
Viewing photos on Facebook is a lot of fun but sometimes if the albums contain hundreds of photos, it becomes tedious to keep pressing the arrow button or clicking the mouse button to navigate through them. Luckily, Facebook has a…