To improve users’ privacy, WhatsApp for iOS will block screenshots for “View Once” images and videos. The feature was found by WABetaInfo in the latest WhatsApp beta version iOS and is also released on Android. In 2021, WhatsApp released…
Twitter is bringing full-screen vertical videos to its iOS app, in an attempt to replicate TikTok’s success with the format. The company is attempting to make video discovery easier on its platform, and the new vertical videos will show recommendations…
The OG app was recently launched on the App Store market as the “OG Instagram experience.” The app allowed users to filter the content they see on their Instagram free, create custom feeds, remove ads, suggested content, and more. Despite…
A new survey about which streaming services consumers prefer has shed a lot of light on the future of Apple TV+, Netflix, and more. As per the survey, 1 in 4 Netflix subscribers plan to leave the service this year….
Reverse engineering expert @Alessandro Paluzzi found that Instagram is developing a new “Nudity protection” feature to block nude photos in DMs and end cyberflashing. Cyberflashing is sending unsolicited sexual messages to strangers online which involves sending nude pictures or genitals….
To keep conversations fast and fresh, Snapchat has unveiled new features like iOS 16 Lock Screen widgets, chat shortcuts, support for the web, and more. Some of the new capabilities are available right away and a few will be coming…
The Irish Data Protection Commission (DPC) has imposed a €405 million ($403 million at the current exchange rate) fine on Instagram for violation of children’s privacy. The huge penalty was set at the resolution of a long-running complaint regarding the…
WhatsApp automatically displays the last time you used the app to your contact, this setting is known as “Last Seen.” However, you can easily hide your Last Seen WhatsApp status from specific users. This is a very helpful setting if…
According to a new report, Netflix is moving ahead with its plan to introduce a cheaper ad-supported tier to its service. The company intends to launch the plan by November to compete as Disney+ has already announced that its own…
Twitter has finally begun testing an Edit Tweet feature. The micro-blogging giant says the functionality will arrive to a small number of Twitter Blue subscribers in the coming weeks before it is expanded to all Premium users. Premium Twitter users…