iPhone 12 yellow tint, green glow, and display flickering issues reported, Apple working on a fix

iPhone 12 and 12 Pro users have been reporting issues with their smartphone displays exhibiting yellow tint, green or gray glow, and flickering. The issue is widespread and users have been sharing their concerns on various online forums. Apple is aware of this issue and is likely working on a software update to resolve the issue.

iPhone 12 yellow tint

iPhone 12 yellow tint, green glow, and display flickering issues

The 84 pages long (and counting) thread on MacRumors forums was started by kre64 almost 3 weeks ago, who listed the steps on how you can check for a yellow screen or tin issue on your iPhone 12 Pro. Although most users do not use their iPhones without True Tone and might not notice, the issue definitely exists and you can verify by following the below steps.

The Test

The test is to open the Settings screen, with True Tone off, and dark mode off, 75% brightness. Compare to another phone on exact same settings. Which one is more yellow?

What to compare to

It probably already looks different than your old phone, which is why you are here. Something seems “off” about the new display. Compare to old phone. Yellow? Proceed to next step.

Compare to an Apple Display Phone

Use the same test criteria to compare to an Apple display phone. It either matches or it doesn’t. If it doesn’t, RETURN THE PHONE IMMEDIATELY.

MacRumors gained access to a document shared with Apple Authorized Service Providers in which the company says that it is aware of these display issues and is investigating it. Apple has told technicians to not service the iPhone 12 models, which indicates that the issue might be related to display calibration via software, and a future iOS update might help fix this. Apple had previously fixed similar issues with iPhone 11 line-up last year with a software update. However, this is just speculation on our behalf, and given the variety of issues, the possibility of some sort of hardware issues cannot be ruled out. The issues impact iPhone 12, iPhone 12 mini, iPhone 12 Pro, and iPhone 12 Pro Max displays on the stable iOS 14.2 release as well as iOS 14.3 beta.

Note: In our experience as well, there is a yellow-ish tint on iPhone 12 Pro Max, while using iOS 14.3 beta 2, compared to other OLED devices. We tested by disabling True Tone and changing brightness to around 70% to 75%/

These are not the only issues being reported by iPhone 12 users. Check out the below to see if any of these issues affect your iPhone 12:

About the Author

Addicted to social media and in love with iPhone, started blogging as a hobby. And now it's my passion for every day is a new learning experience. Hopefully, manufacturers will continue to use innovative solutions and we will keep on letting you know about them.

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