iOS 4 was released today for iPhone and iPod Touch for free. While most people have upgraded easily, some of us have been waiting for a jailbreak. Here’s a simple guide on how to jailbreak your iPod Touch and get features like multitasking and home screen backgrounds that Apple has weirdly disabled for 2G. Make sure you follow the guide correctly and make a backup using iTunes.
Jailbreak iOS 4
- Download iOS 4 for your iPod Touch
- Download redsn0w 0.9.5b5-4 [links at the end]. It’s available for both Mac and Windows.
- Download and install iTunes 9.2
- Connect your iPod Touch to your computer and using iTunes, upgrade to iOS 4. Do this the official way as described here.
- Now that you have iOS 4 final build on your iPod Touch, you’ll have to jailbreak it by using the iOS 4 GM build with redsn0w 0.9.5 Beta 5. Click browse and point it to iOS 4 firmware and follow the instructions on the screen. Remember to enable battery percentage, wallpapers and multitasking. [Vista users might need to run redsn0w as administrator]
One you’re done, your iPod Touch should reboot. Remember to add this repo to Cydia Enjoy your newly jailbroken iPod Touch with iOS 4! Check out our quick start guide on the new features.
Download redsn0w 0.9.5b5-4
- Mac OSX (x86)
- Windows
If you face any issues, don’t hesitate to ask us in the comments. We’ll be glad to help!
UPDATE: the guide has been updated to reflect the recent release of redsn0w 0.9.5 beta 5-4 which fixes the iBooks issue that users were reporting.
UPDATE: limera1n has been released which jailbreaks all 3rd and 4th generation iOS devices on iOS 4.0/4.1 and beyond. Follow our guides here:
- Jailbreak iPhone 3GS/iPhone 4 on iOS 4.1 using limera1n [Guide]
- Jailbreak iPod Touch 3G/iPod Touch 4G on iOS 4.1 with limera1n [Guide]
- Jailbreak iPad on iOS 3.2.2 using limera1n [Guide]
is this jailbreak tethered?
i cannot get it to recognize the ispw :
Guide updated. Try again.
Why are we putting an old GM release on the Touch when we've just upgraded to the final?
The guide has been updated. No GM release needed. Check again.
Does enabling multitasking slow down the Touch 2g? Anyone verified yet?
thanks very much i am trying it out right now! i was really sad that i wouldn't be able to use multitasking or wallpapers on my 2g touch but i guess you can!
for some reason the ipod software isn't verified by redsnow what is the reason for this?
It's necesary to upgrade to 3.1.3 ?
I have 3.1.2…
You have to upgrade to iOS 4
Wrong version of OS.
My redsn0w has been stuck on “Waiting for reboot” for a few minutes. Is this normal?
i have a few questions would it be possible to update the ipod with a iphone ipsw file making it have multitasking and a wallpaper but not actually jailbreaking it andd whats the difference between an untethered and tethered jailbreak
same problem but i have the right firmware i think. i download gm version before ios was officially released. should i re download firmware?
Problem fixed – Vista users have to run redsnow as admin. PLZ ADD THIS COMMENT TO GUIDE
You need to use the official final iOS 4 firmware only.
Thanks, I'll add it to the guide!
My iPod is stuck at “Downloading Jailbreak Data” … is this normal? The circle is still running, so it's not frozen, it's just been there for a few minutes now…
A few minutes is a lot. You might need to retry the whole process.
I've tried 3 times now, consecutively. Everytime I would try it, it would say it's finished, but on the iPod it would still be downloading Jailbreak data. So then, I would simply do the process all over again. Should I just keep trying?
just leave it alone. It will finish on it’s own.
just leave it alone. It will finish on it’s own.
On the iPod the process will take some time. Let it complete.
i keep getting stuck at the waiting for reboot screen. ive run redsnow probably ten times. its an ipod 2g. pc model. and im running on mac snow leopard.
In redsn0w, you can choose to not install Cydia while allowing multitasking and the wallpaper.
It'll technically be jailbroken, but since you're not installing anything from Cydia, it won' lead to crashes.
With a tethered jailbreak, every time you reboot the device you'll have to connect it to a computer and re-run the jailbreaking software else it either won't work or won't keep the jailbreak.
Untethered means you can reboot it all you want and it'll work fine.
my ipod's been stuck on a black screen for 5 minutes..what do I do?
same with me what should we do
y i cant add the repo?
I upgraded my jailbreak iPod touch 2g 3.1.3 to official iOS4 from iTunes, & now im not able to downgrade to 3.1.3 to re jailbreak it. Please Guide me as I want my iPod to be jailbreaked in any frimware 3.1.3 or 4.0, Please help me not to mess up my iPod.
Thank You
Does this redsn0w beta not work with itouch 2G MC-model? Whenever you browse for the IPSW and select it, a message asks if you have a MC model and says that the beta does not support MC models. If this is really true I would highly recommend putting this in your guide because i had previously jailbroken 3.1.3 and updated to 4.0 because i thought that this beta would work. Now it looks like there is no way for me to jailbreak iOS4
This happened to me too .
I decided to leave it on overnight . It worked in the morning . I guess it takes a REAALLLY long time to DL the packages . Make sure if you try this , to set auto-lock to never !
So did this actually work?? I'm very scared to try this since no one officially commented that this works.
i downloaded the official OS but red snow still doesn't specify it. :S help please?
this site has been very helpful to me .
it takes a while to load (i think this happans cos its gotta load all the links to the firmware files)
ultrasn0w has a Zero not an O.
You can jailbreak iOS4 using this guide.
Yes it works.
Have you downloaded the one for iPod Touch 2G ? The link to the downloads is given in the guide. Check again!
redsn0w 0.9.5b5-3 doesn't works with MC models of iPod touch 2G.
Does this work on MC models? Coz mine is an MC model and when they ask me if it is a MC model, i click yes, then i get an error and can no longer carry on the process? Help please??
Are you sure? I haven't heard any reports that it doesn't.
i have jail broken iOS 4 successfully… when i go onto cydia though it just gets stuck saying Dowloading packages.. i have tried leaving it but after two hours i decided to restore and try the whole process again… it continues with the same problem? help
Is your Internet working fine?
On 3G updated, jailbroken but no internet
i have redsnow 0.9.5 beta 5 for windows. but when i run redsnow it say ipsw not recognise.
Worked perfectly on iPod 2G “MB” model. Thanks!
You're welcome :)
is their already a way to jailbreak ipod touch 2g mc model,
can anyone please tell me when?
my email is
Uhm….I did the steps but it is stuck at “Waiting for reboot” and has been like that for like 7 minutes…I am on an ipod touch 2g MB model…what do I do?
that also counts for me
Hello guys! I going to jailbreak my iTouch soon. However, it asks for the IPSW and the file is not included in the redsn0w zipped folder. Where do I get this file from? I'm using windows :)
Anyway, is there any successful jailbreaking yet? Cause all the comments I read about is negative feedbacks about the jailbreak, any successful examples? Lastly, what is the difference between MC and MB iTouch?
Can someone kindly assist, thank you very much!
MC just means some jailbreaks are not compatible all ways check with jailbreak and ipod
to find out if you have a MA-Model, MB-Model or MC-Model goto settings—>general—>about and it will tell you next to model
Restart the process
restart what process exactly? I’ve followed your instructions and am now stuck on the “Waiting for reboot” screen for the past hour. This the same error it seems that the SnowBreeze JB halts on too. Any suggestions?
This is how I try to remedy the situation:
Since I can’t do anything with a dead iPod, I restore the iOS4.0 using iTunes (shift+click on restore and locate the updated firmware). It install’s the update and everything is running fine/smoothly.
Next, I use redsnow and choose “No” for the dialogue box that appears asking whether my iPod is MC or Not. It’s not MC.
I proceed to enable DFU mode and it updates/uploads the updated firmware to the iPod (I am assuming this is what it does) and then proceed to be stuck on the “Waiting for reboot” message.
Any help?
New version of redsnow released:…
you have to download it separately, there a link on top where it says “Download iOS 4” save this file on your desktop. Once you click Browse on redsn0w look for the file you just downloaded on your desktop, thats pretty much it for that all you have to do now is follow the instructions that it gives you and BAM! its done lol
hope this helped
i got the jailbreak to work but the new multitaskiing was working at the beggining but it wont now after i backed up my stuff from rock are there any programs that could interfere with multitasking i have a ipod touch 2g backgrounder is not on it nor is any other jailbroken multitasking apps
If you have vista, run redsn0w as admin. If it still doesn't work, take out usb cable and plug it back in.
I jailbroke it using this guide – it works fine. But that is contextual – a lot of jailbroken apps don't work very well on iOS4; we have to wait till they're updated. Here's a list:…
Multitasking is going well too, considering that this is a 2g
Hi I am using Windows 7, But as soon as I click next after f/w recognition the redsnow s/w closes w/o doing anything. Any suggestions on how to rectigy it
it took about 10 minutes on mine
I did not jailbreak my iPod (2G, MB model) for the usual purpose of jailbreaking. I jailbroke mine to unlock the multitasking, home screen background, and battery percentage features.
Do I have to download the update from itunes and the GM version
Can't I use the same update from the itunes update to redsnow?
quik ples cuz I'm now goona update it
i tried to jailbreak two ipods, one is an “MB” model and the other is “MC” and when i selected the IOS 4 in redsn0w it said tha it was “UNABLE THE RECOGNIZE ESPECIFIED IPSW” who can help me??
i have download the ios 4 file and now didnt work it in redsnow
i do click browse and no there is not a file named ios 4
help me????
there is no file in redsnow named ios 4
help me
hi! i have a question: this jailbreak works with ipod touch 2g MC?
no, it does not
Question: this jailbreak works with a ipod touch 2g MC??????
no, you can´t jaibreak an mc model 2g ipod touch 8gb not.
you have to wait until there is an jailbreak avaible. the best way to find this out is google
no, you can´t jaibreak an mc model 2g ipod touch 8gb not.
you have to wait until there is an jailbreak avaible. the best way to find this out is google
I tried as the guide instructed but I got error 1604 when restoring with iTunes. Please help..
Me too, running iTouch 2G MC. Need to know if this jailbreak is compatible. Thanks!
can't jailbreak ipod touch 2g IOS 4.0…
I am using windows.
hi you can find this in apple folder but you need to show hidden files first i forgot how i did it but when u have done that you go to your hard drive, then documents and settings then your user name then application data,apple computer,itunes,ipod software update and there u will find your ipsw file hope that helps. tigzi
I have an ipod touch 2g MC model. Is there a jailbreak for this model yet ?
I used the older version redsn0w 0.9.5b5-3 and, of course, my iBooks didn't work. So, I redo the process using redsn0w 0.9.5b5-4. Still no iBooks. The app turns on ok, but the PDF files I have there do not show up. I tried re-syncing the ipod and also restarting it. Nothing.
Everything else works fine. I have multitasking, home page wallpaper, and battery percentage. I just can't get my books in iBooks to show up. Anybody got an idea?
i just jailbroke my ipod touch 2G
everything so far seems fine.. but i cant seem to play some of my music
its really weird, cause for some songs i press play and it takes me back to the list of songs and nothing plays
are you an MC model?
Does your Ipod is an MCmodel courtchar?
Use sn0wbreeze to change the .ispw and it works fine (':
work on your grammar
I followed the instructions and it looked good but when i checked nothing happened. The original os is stillthere with no Cydia, multitasking etc..
what is MC?
i cant seem to find the ios 4 firmware when i browse..where might it be saved??
no its not
please help me, i dont know what to do
Where did u download it?
Simple, follow the guide if you have a non-MC model.
the guide on this post? i have
but for some reason some of my songs wont play
it jumps back to the song list and nothing will play
were your songs working before on your idevice?
try redownloading the song(s) from different sources
I had the same problem just go to… and select your idevice.
So I don't find any good answer: does it work on 2G MC models? Well, even if I am not sure, if it would work on MC models of 2G, it should work on 3G too, so I just want to be sure.
3g models always are mb ;)
So I have an un-jailbroken iPod Touch 2g with iOS 4 and I'm trying to jailbreak it using this guide. But for some reason I can't find the .ipsw file. I have tried downloading it from many sources and all I get is a compressed folder with no .ipsw file. I have Windows Vista and I have tried showing hidden files.
Can anyone help me?
Ok so now I have the file, but when I browse with redsn0w, it says “Unable to recognize specified IPSW.” I've tried running it in Administrator mode. Can anyone help me? I really want multitasking.
wew! i've been waiting for many days to waiting jailbreak mc model…….. anyone please help? if you found it tell me!><
how do u get itinto a .ipsw file?
when you download it, it ask you if you want to save it or if you want to open the folder. you click on save and at the end of the name of the firmware, you add .ipsw
how do i change it to a .ipsw file
the jailbreak worked great but it wont sync with itunes
what do i do
when you download it, it ask you if you want to save it or if you want to open the folder. you click on save and at the end of the name of the firmware, you add .ipsw
itunes doesn't recognize my ipod after jailbreak how do i fix it/
Yay, after the third try it worked!!!
but to get into dfu mode you can simply hold down the home and power buttons at the same time for 10 seconds and then release the power button and hold the home button for 10 more seconds. its much easier than how redsn0w tells you to do it.
have you searched on your user's folder/appdata/roaming/Apple Computer/iTunes or iTunes media/ipod software updates
it doesn't work 4 mc models
How do I upgrade an already Jailbroken iPod Touch 2g 3.0 to iOS4? Can I just run redsn0w with the 4.0 IPSW file, or do I still have to upgrade to 4.0 through iTunes first?
Well the thing is I already updated my iPod, but I didn’t do it manually and I think I deleted the file that contains the iOS4 update. When I try downloading the file again from the link given, I can’t update it manually because my iPod is already updated. So now I can’t jailbreak my iPod. Does anyone know what I should do?
Well the thing is I already updated my iPod, but I didn't do it manually and I think I deleted the file that contains the iOS4 update. When I try downloading the file again from the link given, I can't update it manually because my iPod is already updated. So now I can't jailbreak my iPod. Does anyone know what I should do?
how do we work that then? what is going to happen? is there anything we can do?
plug it up to itunes, then restore it
You need to rename the file and change the .zip extension to .ipsw – in a lot of internet browsers, the download manager automatically changes its extension to a zip file.
If you can't rename the extension because it isn't visible, press ALT in the folder the .zip file is in, then go to Tools > Folder Options. Select the View tab and uncheck 'Hide extensions for known file types'. Click OK and you will see the extension :)
just update it! jailbreak will disappear when you upgrade it to 4.(only the legal applications left……….. the illegal application are all gone)
delete then reinstall itunes
I clicked on the link for Mac OSX x86 and it took me to a Google site which it won't load because of what I've discovered as web traffic. What should I do?
when i clicked windows it said page not found…. please help me !
hi i have tried jailbreaking ipod touch 8gb 2 gen mc version with blackra1n and redsnow but they just let my ipod stay on the connect to itunes screen
y esto sirve con ipod touch 2g modelo MC?
i got the same thing
Cydia wont work it wont add any more sources
can i use this for ms model
can you say me if this jailbreak is final, if turn off the ipod nothing happens??????
can i do this with ipod 2g mc model i cant found any good anwer?????
thanks you so much.
is easy only say yes or no
the exact same thing happened to me
do you get multitasking
stuck ate reboot…should i just let it sit?
Im stuck at the browse part. It said: Unable to recognize specified ISPW. But ive got the right firmware.. what to do?
i have the same problem. i saved the firmware to my desktop and when i go to browse it, it says unable to recognize specified ISPW. the firmware is already in ISPW form. what do we do?
dude. stop using this hard way. go to at your ipod/iphone, and simply slide to jailbreak. 5min and cydia is installed lol. goodluck
download another 4.0 from a dif website i did it and worked
Thanks worked great even on the iPod Touch 2g MC. This is even easier than Blackra1n or Spirit. Just “slide to jailbreak”.
this can use whit mc model
That was so much simpler than anthing ese ive tried. Thank you.
I’ve jailbreaked before this on OS3. If I were to upgrade and jailbreak to iOS4, must I use redsnow or I can use
If you upgrade to iOS 4.0 or 4.0.1, just use
Thanks. Will try it out soon. ;)
Ok! That seems be really nice, but is it the most good jailbreak for ipod touch (redsnOw)? And what is the meaning of the “Click browse and point it to iOS 4 firmware [Download iOS 4]and follow the instructions on screen.”?
i already have iOs4 on my itouch, so when redsnow downloaded, i need to open it and whats next? Thank you!
now its ok, but dont work with MC, i used instead.
ok jailbreak me sucks cause of respiring and the loading screen and the line when u urn it on but i surprised it is possible to make jailbreak like this and limera1n doesent support 2 g ipod
i can’t find the software ios 4 when i need to on redsnow i have it downloaded but unable to find it
Has anyone tried this on mc models? Will it work?
No it doesn’t.
then wat can we do
I’m on 4.0.2 and a MC and i can’t be jailbreaken By Redsn0w, Jailbreakme or Spirit.
everything worked great but now I’ve got troubles to connect to the internet. Any suggestions ?
Same here, unable to access internet though will connect to wifi. Please let me know if you found any solution.
can this work with itunes 10.1?
It should work
Wait can i do this with my ipod touch it is like the 2nd gen but i updated it to the newest version so will it work or what is the best way to do this does anyone know or can someone help me cause i looked at some other websites and im really confuesed so can someone on reply to this comment and help? Oh yeah i have the newest itunes thingy to. Thanks
when i tried to restore my ipod to IOS4 my itunes keep giving me a error 3194 how do i solve this?
my itunes is 10.1 and my ipod is MB 3.1.2