Kuo predicts Apple’s mixed reality headset might debut at Spring event or WWDC 23

Apple might delay the launch of its mixed reality headset. Although Apple’s mixed reality (AR/VR) headset device is expected in 2023, the launch has been pushed from early this year to the third quarter or beyond.

Tech analyst Ming-Chi Kuo reports that the development of Apple’s first-generation AR/VR headset is facing mechanical issues which have pushed mass shipment from the original Q2, 2023 to Q3 23 or later.

Apple mixed reality headset

Apple mixed reality headset facing hardware and software-related issues

Analyst Ming-Chi Kuo tweeted his prediction for the official debut of Apple’s reality device, saying that the company will announce it in spring 2023 because the company is facing hardware and software-related issues in the development of its mixed reality headsets.

For that reason, Apple most likely would not host a media event in January. Kuo predicts that the company will instead announce it during an Apple event in the spring or during the annual Worldwide Developers Conference in June 2023.

While Kuo believes the device most likely be announced in the first half of 2023, he expects that it will not start shipping until the end of the second or third quarter of 2023.


In December, Apple reportedly change the name of its mixed-reality operating system name to “xrOS.” The company could be close to releasing a mixed-reality headset.

Apple’s first headset launch could include a pair of 4K OLED displays, 15 camera modules dotted around the outside, and potential support for eye-tracking hand gestures and more. The first wave is possibly an expensive headset with prices like $3,000 proposed.

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