Microsoft’s new Surface Book ads take a shot at MacBook Pro

Microsoft has released new ads featuring Surface Book, which focus on its touch, pen and tablet capabilities, while comparing it to the MacBook Pro. This follows up shortly to the Windows 10 ads that Microsoft released a while back, which also compared it against Macs and OS X.

Microsoft's new Surface Book ads take a shot at MacBook Pro

Microsoft has never been shy of mentioning Apple’s products in its commercials. These new ads continue the tradition of comparing its products and their features against Apple’s. Whether you call it a compliment for Macs or a fair comparison, Apple definitely gets a lot of free airtime in its competitor’s ads.

The new ads show Tim Flach, famous photographer, trying out the Surface Book and using its various features and sharing his impressions. One of the ads show a comparison where it claims that Surface Book has more pixels (3,000 x 2,000) than a MacBook Pro (2,560 x 1,600) – it shows as text so if you blink, you might miss it. It is interesting to note that if you find any behind the scenes photos of Tim Flach, you can see him using MacBook Pro or iMac in his photography workflow.

Microsoft has been doing well with the free Windows 10 roll out so far, despite the initial privacy concerns and the in-your-face update notifications that some users complained about. Similarly, they have overcome the initial issues with Surface and Surface Book devices through firmware patches and software updates. It’s about time that Microsoft leaves that phase where it believes that everything it does has to be compared to Apple’s offerings. This is something that should be best done by media outlets – Microsoft should simply be focused on the best products they can create and users will shift platforms.

Check out the three commercial videos below:

About the Author

Technology enthusiast, Internet addict, photography fan, movie buff, music aficionado.