More leaked images of iPhone 4G yet again

Looks like we may see iPhone 4G leaks daily till the launch of it on June 7 at WWDC 2010.Yesterday we saw some leaked iPhone images with white surface and today there are even more iPhone 4G leaked images.


This time these images are not of a completely assembled iPhone but these images are showing close-ups of the steel structure which contains the main parts of the device. We wonder how begeek just managed to get the body of iPhone 4G without its parts. Anyways this is same as the previous leaks but one thing is to be noticed is that it has screw holes on the bottom of the piece.


iphone-4G-coque_5 You can checkout all the images here.

[via 9to5mac]

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I am a student of computer science. My interests are software development and blogging. Been blogging since a year now. I mostly cover Apple news.