A new PlayStation 3 custom firmware called Naima CFW 3.55 / 60 hybrid has been released by a Spanish hacker Naima. The firmware is a CFW 3.55 hybrid with some files taken from 3.60 firmware. It spoofs PS3 console on 3.60 firmware to allow full PSN access for games and applications while retaining full jailbreak capabilities of custom firmware 3.55. According to the developer, this patch only modifies 3 bytes of vsh.self, which is the only thing required for a PS3 3.60 spoof and is safer than PS3ITA’s CFW v3.55 for PSN access.

It is not recommended to access PSN on your jailbroken PS3 in order to avoid any possible bans from Sony. But still if you want to install it here are the links.
*** THIS IS CFW for FW 3.55 NOT FOR FW 3.60 ***
Download and apply it to Official Firmware 3.55
3.55-60CFW-naima.patch (File Size: 39.96MB )
Also check out these interesting posts regarding PS3 3.56 / 3.50 jailbreak and PSN access:
BREAKING: PlayStation 3 Firmware v3.60 Jailbroken By Mathieulh [VIDEO]
PS3 3.60 Firmware Spoofer Released, Allows Full PSN Access On 3.55!
PS3 Firmware v3.60 Is Available – Jailbreak Explained! [KaKaRoToKS CFW Dev]