The wait is over guys! “Theme it” is finally here! The highly anticipated iPhone theme store website and Cydia app has just gone live. The official “Theme it” app can now be downloaded via Cydia on any jailbroken iPhone / iPod touch. The idea behind “Theme it” is to focus exclusively on high-quality themes and the artists behind them in a way that hasn’t been possible before. The platform includes both a user-friendly website and an iPhone / iPod touch Cydia app to showcase and provide instant access to these exclusive high quality themes.
To download “Theme it” on your iPhone / iPod touch, add the following official Theme It repo to Cydia:
The app is quite neatly designed allowing you to browse through a variety of truly high-quality themes. You can easily preview the theme screenshots before deciding to buy any. It even lets you know if a specific theme is compatible with your device / OS or not. Once you’ve made up your mind, simply click the Buy Now button from where you’ll be able to create your account to keep track of your purchased themes as well as pay for your theme purchases using the PayPal payment system.
Here are a few screenshots:

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