Apple CEO Tim Cook reveals daily Vision Pro habits

Apple CEO Tim Cook has been actively promoting the Apple Vision Pro as it recently became available in the UK, highlighting the innovative uses and capabilities of the spatial computing headset. In a recent interview with The Sun, Cook shared his personal experiences with the device, emphasizing its versatility in both entertainment and productivity.

Apple CEO Tim Cook Vision Pro

Cook enthusiastically described how he uses the Vision Pro to watch Apple TV shows, including the third season of “Ted Lasso” and other new content. He highlighted the unique viewing experience provided by the headset, which allows users to position the screen in various ways, even lying flat with the screen on the ceiling. This flexibility, combined with the headset’s massive 100-foot virtual screen, offers an unparalleled entertainment experience.

Beyond entertainment, Cook highlighted the productivity enhancements the Vision Pro brings. The headset’s ability to handle multiple virtual screens makes multitasking more efficient, allowing users to arrange various windows around their physical space. This feature is particularly beneficial for those who work with multiple screens, offering a seamless and intuitive workflow.

With the Vision Pro now available globally, Cook elaborated on the broader implications of spatial computing. He likened its impact to that of the Mac in personal computing and the iPhone in mobile computing, suggesting that the Vision Pro will revolutionize how we interact with digital content in our physical environment. The upcoming visionOS 2 update will further enhance the Mac Virtual Display feature, allowing users to create ultrawide virtual screens equivalent to two 4K displays side by side, along with new gesture controls for added functionality.

Despite its hefty price tag of £3,499/$3,499, Cook believes the Vision Pro’s advanced technology and extensive capabilities justify the cost. The headset’s intuitive gesture controls are designed to be user-friendly, making it accessible to anyone familiar with an iPhone. Cook also mentioned the emotional impact of the Vision Pro, particularly when viewing spatial photos and videos, which can make users feel as though they are reliving their memories.

In promoting the Vision Pro, Cook emphasized the importance of experiencing the headset firsthand. He acknowledged that describing the 3D spatial computing experience is challenging, recommending potential customers to take advantage of demos available in Apple retail stores. These demos provide a powerful and often emotional introduction to the Vision Pro’s capabilities, showcasing its potential to transform both entertainment and productivity.

(via The Sun)

About the Author

Asma is an editor at iThinkDifferent with a strong focus on social media, Apple news, streaming services, guides, mobile gaming, app reviews, and more. When not blogging, Asma loves to play with her cat, draw, and binge on Netflix shows.

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