This is pretty big guys. A hacker and developer who goes by the name of Shantanu Goel has achieved something amazing. He has successfully managed to make Microsoft’s Kinect motion sensor to work with a PlayStation 3 system. He has published a demo video in which he manages to use Kinect as an input controller for the PS3. He has also released the source code for his project.

From the developer:
Please note that this is pre-alpha quality software currently.
I haven’t updated to a lot of recent code for the below libraries and also haven’t done most of the performance/feature improvements yet. The axis performance specially needs lot of tweaking and it works well only while sitting. Putting this out purely as a proof of concept. For the things that I plan to add soon, please see the Todo section below. Follow me at @shantanugoel for latest updates.
The program makes use of several other programs in order to provide this functionality. To compile/use it, you also need the following programs:
2. NITE Libraries
3. PrimeSense Libraries for kinect
1. Download the above mentioned software and install them on your computer
2. Download the source of the project to the NITE Samples directory.
3. Edit the included PlayStation 3 controller config xml file and place it in one of the locations where diyps3controller can find it.
5. Run make -f kinect-ps3.mak
6. The executable will be available in Samples/Bin directory of NITE.
7. Run kinect-ps3 (without any arguments)
8. Run emuclient, from ps3 controller software, and choose the new xml config file
9. You’re done!
You can grab the source code via GITHUB. Check out the video of it in action:
[via shantanugoel blog]