Easiest way to create Windows Copilot desktop shortcut in Windows 11

You can easily create a desktop shortcut for the Windows Copilot experience in Windows 11, and we will show you how.

Normally, Windows Copilot is accessible from both the Taskbar and the “Windows key + C” keyboard shortcut. Additionally, you can also access Copilot with a shortcut from the desktop.

  • Convenience: A desktop shortcut provides a quick and easy way to open Copilot without having to navigate to the Start menu or search for it in the taskbar.
  • Customization: You can customize the name and icon of the desktop shortcut to match your personal preferences.
  • Reliability: A desktop shortcut will always open Copilot, even if Microsoft updates the location of the executable file in the future.

If you use Copilot frequently, having a desktop shortcut can save you time and effort or if you find that the Copilot taskbar button is hidden or cluttered, a desktop shortcut can provide a more direct way to open Copilot.

Overall, creating a Copilot desktop shortcut is a simple and effective way to improve the convenience and reliability of using Copilot on Windows 11.

In this guide, we will show you how to easily create a Copilot desktop shortcut in Windows 11.

Easiest way to create Windows Copilot desktop shortcut in Windows 11 featured


Here is the easiest way to create a Windows Copilot desktop shortcut in Windows 11

  1. Right-click anywhere on the desktop and select New > Shortcut.Easiest way to create Windows Copilot desktop shortcut in Windows 11
  2. In the Create Shortcut window, enter the following location in the Type the location of the item field:

    Easiest way to create Windows Copilot desktop shortcut in Windows 11

  3. Click Next.
  4. Enter a name for the shortcut in the Type a name for this shortcut field and click Finish.Easiest way to create Windows Copilot desktop shortcut in Windows 11
  5. The Windows Copilot shortcut will now be created on your desktop. You can double-click on the shortcut to open Windows Copilot.Easiest way to create Windows Copilot desktop shortcut in Windows 11

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